Liquid Chemical Termite Treatment
The two most common methods of termite treatment today are conventional termite barrier treatments (described below) and termite baiting. In some cases, a quick and direct response is needed to stop termites from affecting the structural integrity of a home. Such situations may call for an immediate application of liquid termiticide.

The chemicals used for the elimination and control of termites are called termiticides, and must demonstrate the ability to provide structural protection before they are registered by the EPA. In most cases, termiticide application can only be properly performed by a state certified pest management professional.
Liquid Termite Treatment - A Long Honored Tradition
The traditional method of controlling subterranean termites was to create a chemical barrier by applying liquid termiticide into the soil around and beneath a structure to block all possible routes of termite entry. Any termites attempting to pass through treated soil are either killed and/or repelled, depending on the termiticide applied.
For new construction, a liquid chemical termite barrier is created by treating the graded soil and foundation walls before the concrete slab is poured. For an existing building, the perimeter of the foundation is trenched and/or drilled, then treated with termiticide. The goal of the treatment is to put a chemical barrier between the termites in the soil and the structure above. The chemical barrier can also affect those termites already inside a building by preventing their successful return to the soil. In many cases, these termites will die of dehydration.

Pesticide applicator drilling holes through a concrete porch to inject liquid termiticide into the soil below.

A trench dug around the foundation of a home where liquid termiticide will be applied.
Repellent vs Non-Repellent Termiticide
The main difference between repellent and non-repellent insecticide is the amount of time it takes for each product to kill an insect. Repellent insecticides are fast-acting while non-repellents work slower.
Repellent Termiticides
There are several repellent termiticides available today and these products are chemically classified as "pyrethroids." Pyrethroids are fast-acting nerve poisons that are highly toxic to termites, but have low toxicity to mammals. Pyrethroids are considered repellent because they quickly prevent social insects like ants and termites from maintaining a pheromone trail. The resulting distraction from their trails gives the appearance that they have been repelled, even if a product formulation limits repellency. In most cases, pyrethroids are so repellent that termites foraging under the soil will avoid coming into contact with the termiticide and travel elsewhere. Some of the popular pyrethroid termite products used today include Talstar® (FMC Corporation), Demon®Max (Syngenta, Inc.), and Prelude (Paragon).
Advantages of Repellent Termiticides
A complete barrier of repellent termiticide will effectively keep termites from coming into the structure.
The pyrethroids used for liquid chemical termite barriers are relatively inexpensive and last for several years.
Disadvantages of Repellent Termiticides
Termites are able to detect repellent termiticide barriers in the soil and avoid lethal contact with it.
Construction features, plumbing lines, and landscaping are just a few of the obstacles that hinder complete liquid termiticide application. Because of these obstacles, there are often gaps in the treatment barrier where the termiticide could not be completely applied. Eventually, foraging termites may locate these gaps and gain access into the structure. If these termites find the structural wood inside, they will tunnel back and forth through the untreated gap and recruit other termites into the building to cause more damage.
Non-Repellent Termiticides
The newer technology of non-repellents is an advancement over the older, repellent insecticides. Non-repellent insecticides, such as Phantom®, are totally undetectable to target insects; they can't smell it, taste it, and most importantly, they can't avoid it. By design, non-repellents work slower than repellents. Insects cross over surfaces treated with non-repellent insecticides and return to their nest/colony before they are affected, thus maintaining a trail and encouraging more insects to come in contact with the material. As a result, termites unknowingly tunnel into the termiticide while foraging, contact the chemical, transfer it to nest-mates, and die.

Advantages of Non-Repellent Termiticides
Non-repellent termiticides eliminate the problem of termites locating “gaps” in the treatment to enter a structure.
Slow mode of action allows affected termites to transfer the termiticide to nestmates.
The transfer process produces a secondary kill within the termite colony.
Disadvantages of Non-Repellent Termiticides
More expensive than pyrethroid (repellent) formulations.
Takes longer to control termites.
Why Choose Paramount for Termite Treatment?
Paramount understands the nature of termites and the damage they cause.
Knowing the difference between repellent and non-repellent insecticides, and which should be used to treat specific pests, is a significant part of professional pest management. Paramount knows termite behavior, biology, and the proper treatment methods to effectively eliminate and manage termites in any type of structure.
It all begins with an inspection of your property to gather the information we need to design a solution and present you with the options in a pleasant and professional manner. Termite control is one of our specialties and we only use the most advanced methods and materials available today. In addition, all of our termite management programs are backed by a re-treatment warranty protecting your home against re-infestation.
Choose Paramount for Ultimate Termite Protection!